nurture. educate. inspire.
About Us
Johnson’s Daycare is a premier organization that provides childcare services to Greensboro, North Carolina. This mid-sized child care facility serves children from three months to twelve years of age. Our services are safe and secure, providing our parents with an excellent place where their children can be cared for.
We are located in a quiet, residential neighborhood. The yard is furnished with safe, entertaining toys, as well as a sandbox. The facility is used for rainy-day activities and the serving and preparation of meals. The building also contains toys, games, and books for the entertainment and education of the children.
As a three-star facility, Johnson’s Daycare also provides a multi-level curriculum; affordable prices; transportation; after-school care which includes extended hours, a summer program; and an excellent teacher to child ratio that enhances the learning experience of the children along with personal engagement.
Johnson’s Daycare continues to succeed by offering our clients' children a safe and secure environment, as well as close personal attention. The goals of the center are dual-sided: to help parents feel good about the care of their children, and to make it a safe, educational, and fun experience for the child.